I know this sounds like a depressing post topic. But it’s not meant to be. I’m very pregnant at the moment, so knowing how to stop crying at work has become a necessity: not because I hate my job (I love it), and not even because of the tiny person sleeping on my bladder (though I do wish he would shift over to a different organ every once in a while).
Most things make me cry nowadays.
It doesn’t help that part of my job involves reviewing beautiful and touching essays, articles, and videos on animal rescue, either. Those make me cry, in a good way, no matter what my hormones are up to.
So I idly searched out ways to stop crying, just to stay productive in the last few weeks before I give birth. And I stumbled upon a weird and fantastic crying tip in the comments section of NY Mag: When you feel the tears coming on, look around the room and identify as many right angles as possible.
This one was just so unusual that I remembered it, and it works!
It’s also less noticeable than some other tricks I read on WikiHow, like crossing or rolling your eyes.
The community forum in the above WikiHow article, had a great tip, too: Create an “alter ego.” I love this. You basically imagine a super-strong, savvy version of yourself, pretend you are them, and act accordingly. It might seem extreme, but if you’re going through an emotional time, this is a nice mental framework to get you through the day.
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